Well, I am officially the parent of a teenager...my daughter turned 13 on Friday. I like to tease her that it doesn't feel any different to be a teenager to her, simply because she's been acting the part for years! :)
It was a quiet weekend for the most part. We took the birthday girl to dinner Friday at Red Robin (I didn't get my own meal, just shared a bit of each of theirs) and went shopping for boots, her requested gift from us. She ended up finding some really cute ones at Kohls, which is one of my favorite stores but not the cheapest place in the world! I almost got sucked in to shopping myself, but luckily the hour was late so I came home empty handed. I seriously need to drag myself off to the second hand store soon though, to rid myself of this fall-clothes shopping bug! :)
On Saturday my mom came for a visit (yay!) and we went to the kiddo's volleyball game (they're still undefeated, but it was a super-close call!), out to lunch at Panera (I didn't do very good there, so moving on...), and then shopping once again! Saturday night my husband and kiddo went out of town to see my bro-in-law and his kids, but I stayed home and had a quiet evening to myself. There wasn't really any food in the house so I totally skipped dinner, but then proceeded to eat almost an entire bag of baked Lays later. When will I learn to keep the house stocked with good food and not to let myself get that hungry? Sigh.
Sunday morning there was a bit (okay, a lot) of mama-induced ugly drama (I was oddly super-hormonal feeling but it isn't at the right time of the month...peri-menopause rearing it's ugly head again, perhaps?) and I ended up staying home from church. After some quiet time, a few apologies, and a Chinese food lunch (kid sized, I'm making an effort), I was back on track though! The rest of the day was spent at home waiting for craigslist people who never showed (for FREE stuff...really, people?) and Hubs painted a new (to us, that is) dresser for the kiddo. (It turned out so amazing, by the way! Crazy what ten bucks worth of spray paint can do to a $30 dresser.)
Sadly, I didn't do my normal Sunday afternoon grocery run though, so now the cupboards are bare and that doesn't bode well for healthy eating until I finally do drag myself shopping. Not that it matters much, with two volleyball games (Tues and Thurs) and also church on Wednesday, we will rarely be eating home cooking this week. This schedule is killing my diet. Thankfully, it'll all be done in a month, and then I vow to get the healthy home cooking back to normal. Nothing like two months of scarfing junk food in the car to make you crave baked chicken and salads! :)
The sun is out finally after a couple of weeks of raining almost non-stop, so it's time to get the bikes out and go enjoy some exercise mixed with the beautiful fall colors! I'm so looking forward to it, if only we can find the time. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and can find time to enjoy the fall weather this week, too!
ReplyDelete-I was thinking about you and your new teenager this weekend:)
-So what's the deal with your Red Robin dinner? The calories don't count if they come from someone else's plate? (Or straight from the pan, or eaten over the sink or while standing...)
-Kohl's is great, but not cheap, agreed. Took my kiddo and her friend shopping there yesterday! Great minds;)
-Yay for a visit from your mama!
-Ugh, I can totally relate to your Craig's List no-show situation. Have had the same happen more times than I care to remember with Freecycle. It's infuriating!
-You should post a photo of the new dresser! I love a good furniture re-do.
-I hear we're supposed to have sunshine here all week, starting tomorrow. Yay, yay, yay!
Well, I figured that if I got my own meal, I'd finish it. As it was I ate less than half a sandwich and maybe seven fries. MUCH better than a ginormous meal, although not as good as grilled chicken and steamed veggies. Whatever. ;)
ReplyDeleteJust giving you a hard time, Missy:0)
ReplyDeleteI've never eaten at Red Robin; we don't have one near here. Don't they have like a gazillion types of burgers or something? You could use that trick where you ask the server to immediately place half of your order in a take-out box. Then you've only got half on your plate:) Sounds like a good plan to me, though I've never done it myself...