Tuesday, December 1, 2009

After shots

So....I finally have some decent 'after' shots for you...I'm still planning on toning up so hopefully this isn't the completely finished product, but this is where I am right now.

These were taken on Thanksgiving. Pre-pie. :)


  1. You look fantastic, Missy:0)

  2. Aw man, there are others watching... I thought if it was just the two of us, I could say: "Wow, Miss, your boobs look great! Is that a new bra?" ;0)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks so much, everyone! Kind words.

    Shauna--Look at the three sidebar pics, specifically the boob area. Huge difference. I'm pretty sure the last 15 lbs I lost was all boob weight, actually. :)

    Oh, and I WAS wearing my new bra! :)

  5. Oh my goodness I want to look like that.

  6. I've lost twenty pounds... zero so far from the boob area. This gives me hope though; maybe when I'm closer to my "ideal" weight, it will come off then.
    *Fingers Crossed*

  7. Yep. When I was younger that was the first place I'd lose weight. Now? The absolute very last. It was truly weird. :)

  8. You look awesome, Missy!! Way to go!! :)
