Friday, September 23, 2011

Fitness update

Just a quick update on the diet and weight loss side of things.

Nothing has changed.

How's that for a quick update? :)

Treadmill only twice this week, but they were both good workouts. If we don't go to the drive-in tonight I might get a workout in, if not I'll grab one tomorrow between football games. Diet is still both good and bad. Far too many carbs, I'll tell you that. I am starting to be more mindful of what I'm putting in my mouth again...but sadly there are times when I just don't care. My clothes still fit, so there's that, but they are admittedly getting a bit, um, snug. Now that jeans are back, I have no choice but to drop five to ten pounds so they aren't so tight that they hurt a bit when I sit down! :)

All in all, I think I'm heading in the right direction. Oh, I'm not back to the grind just yet but I am clawing my way back to the mindset, and sometimes that is half the battle!


  1. Good for you, Miss:0)
    Are you planning on doing a weekly weigh-in?

    N8 and I have been pretty stagnant lately in the diet and exercise department, but getting ready to gear back up as well. I'd like to drop a few more pounds before Christmas (esp. since I put a couple on during our v-e-r-y stressful summer!)

    Love ya!

  2. Shauna,
    I haven't decided how often to do weigh-ins. Probably weekly, but it never occurred to me this past Saturday so maybe next week.

    Isn't so frustrating to gain SUMMER weight?! I thought I was the only one! :)
