Hopefully I am still functional by then, though. I didn't get much sleep last night, courtesy of a 2am panic attack. Ugh. How I wish I could change this part of my life! I woke up to use the restroom (I usually do this multiple times each night...aging is just not convenient in so many ways!) and noticed a light on in my daughter's room. Turns out she was having stomach pains...which totally brings out the phobic side of me. (I have a strong phobia when it comes to vomit-related events, in case you aren't in the know of that lovely character perk that I struggle with constantly.)
Anyway, just a mere mention of stomach-aches, especially in the middle of the night, which for me is the most vulnerable time for the anxiety, puts me right over the edge. So...last night I am in bed, freaking out, literally shaking, for hours. Actually the shaking only lasted probably the first hour or two, but the panic lasts for much longer. After watching a few episodes of House and CSI on the tivo (how I try and distract myself) I finally got back to sleep around sunrise, and then slept till 9:30, not enough time to feel rested, that's for sure!
Of course, the kiddo is just fine, which I am so thankful for, but I hate that something so small and common can put me right over the edge like that. I am so over this mental issue thing.
My laptop is officially dead now, which stinks. Right now I'm using my daughter's computer...thankful we have a spare! Hubby is going to try to operate on my computer this weekend...keeping my fingers crossed. He is usually pretty good at do-it-yourself stuff, but occasionally, well, he isn't. So we'll see. ;)
I'm hoping to get some school work accomplished today, so I'd better move along! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
**Updated to add: I just finished my second workout in a row! I'm on a roll, people...

Glad your daughter is feeling a bit better. WTG on the workouts! Keep em' coming. :)