Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Figuring out the food

I'm learning to make different foods for dinner, which has been so far pretty nice. Tonight I made steak stir-fry, using a low sodium terriaki sauce, red and green peppers, and onions. I put it all over some brown rice and added a salad on the side. Everything tasted really good!

I've been noticing that a ton of weight-loss blogs photograph their food everyday as sort of a food diary/accountability thing. I love that! I'm giving the idea some serious consideration...especially since I just got a brand new camera for Mothers Day and I'd love to have a good reason to use the heck out of it! :)

Today I was faced with the dreaded mall food court for lunch and luckily Chic-fill-a sounded good. They have a grilled chicken sandwich that is SOOOO good! I think after I put the honey bbq sauce it still only came to 330 calories....which isn't super great but considering all the other options in the mall, I feel great about it!

It isn't a great day for working out though. Busy all day, plans tonight. Oh, I totally could have gotten up early and did something...but me and mornings do NOT mesh well! (Excuses, excuses!) My weight is still hanging onto me, despite doing workouts everyday and eating better than I ever have. I don't get it, but I'm not giving up. I actually do FEEL good on this diet. I FEEL thinner, oddly. I do have more energy. My skin even looks better.

Mind you, I'll still be salty on weigh-in day if I gain or don't lose anything, but at least for today I'm at peace with it! :)

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