Tuesday, April 14, 2009

PMS = Pizza, apparently!

It's my time of month right now and it isn't helping the diet situation at all! My usual monthly cravings aren't quite as strong (thank goodness!) but last night I caved and we ordered pizza for dinner.

Now, I did okay with that...at least better than usual. I made a salad on the side and stuck with two (big) slices of cheese pizza. That was all.

BUT, I hate that I caved. On the other hand, I don't want to be one of those people who gain back all their weight because their diet is unmaintainable! I guess I'm going to go out on a limb and say I will allow myself a weekly ration of two slices of cheese pizza. IF, and only IF I begin to see myself not take weight off regularly while allowing this treat, I will back off of my weekly pizza indulgence.

What's really amazing is how much I use to eat on our regular pizza night. We'd get garlic butter and parm cheese on the crust, then I would eat three slices with at least two pieces of cheesy bread on the side...always with massive amounts of Peanut M&M's at the same time! Wowzers.

I did my 45 minute/2.5 mile walk yesterday, so there's that. Still frustrated that my clothes aren't fitting any looser yet. Pressing on...

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